

Weekend Well Spent: Big Apple BBQ in NYC

Had a great time at the 10th annual Big Apple BBQ in Madison Square Park, NYC this weekend. If you’ve ever been to the park, its a nice respite from city life but of course not as big as Central Park. Actually it only spans about a city block and is the home of the […]


Chili Festivals and Cookoffs Near You

It was an unseasonably warm winter here in the Northeast and Spring has gotten off to a nice start.  However, every once in a while the temp takes a plunge unexpectedly, like a 20-30 degree plunge and that coat you thought you had put away for good is out again. When ever  that happens all […]


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

Here’s an Irish blessing to last you a lifetime, and one of my favorites: “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rains fall soft upon your fields and, And, until we meet again, May God hold you […]


Happy Valentine’s Day

There used to be a time when I hated Valentine’s Day, yes really hated it. Surely because my high expectations for that day left me disappointed for some reason or another but mostly because it’s so commercialized and shoved in our faces soon after the new year. All the roses, chocolate boxed hearts and the […]